CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee has chosen Damali Curry as the company’s first chief learning officer.

This newly-created director-level role supports BlueCross training across all levels of the company, from the first day an employee joins the organization and throughout each person’s career experience.
“Our goal is to enhance training and development so that everyone has ample opportunities to add to their skill base and prepare themselves for greater responsibilities or different roles,” said Roy Vaughn, senior vice president and chief human resources officer. “We are excited to have Damali in this new role, helping employees to optimize their skills and performance on behalf of our members.”
Curry has more than 20 years of experience in improving organizational productivity and partnering with business leaders and teams to achieve strategic talent acquisition, management and development results. Since joining BlueCross in 2018, she has helped launch and lead management training programs and career mapping initiatives, as well as instituting new performance measures across all occupational levels at BlueCross. Prior to joining the organization, she achieved top recognition as an award-winning recruiter.
Curry is a graduate of Clemson University’s Master of Human Resource Development program, and she earned her Society of Human Resources Management certificate from Northwestern University.
About BlueCross®
BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee is a taxpaying, not-for-profit health plan serving more than 3.4 million members in Tennessee and around the country. The Chattanooga-based company was founded in 1945 and has brought peace of mind to its members and local communities for more than 75 years. BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Inc. is an independent licensee of the BlueCross BlueShield Association. For more information, visit the company’s news center at