Getting the flu vaccine is more than a personal choice
BlueCross Foundation Launches Statewide Flu Vaccine Education Campaign
In a COVID-19 era, the flu vaccine remains essential
How to practice social distancing to limit the spread of COVID-19
A convenient, cost-free way to discuss your health with a doctor
We’re answering member questions about coronavirus (COVID-19) coverage
What Tennesseans should know about novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
BlueCross hosts local drive-through flu shot clinic
BlueCross-boosted Free Flu Shot Saturday supports Knoxville’s Empty Stocking Fund
BlueCross to offer drive-through flu shots at Mt. Canaan Baptist on Oct. 12
BlueCross offers drive-through flu shots at Mount Canaan Baptist Sept. 29
Health care system reels following intense flu season
Helping doctors reduce antibiotic over-prescribing with virus treatment kits
BlueCross sponsors drive-thru flu shot clinic
As flu season arrives, Free Flu Shot Saturday set for Sept. 16 at six schools
Officials say it’s time to get flu shots
BlueCross Hosts Annual Drive-Through Flu Shot Clinic Oct. 7
Should You Take Antibiotics for the Flu?
5 of the Best Flu-Fighting Foods