BlueCross Wellness Incentive Programs Help Employers Boost Workplace Engagement

BlueHealth Rewards Goes Beyond ‘Cookie Cutter’ Wellness Solutions

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — How you improve employees’ health at an auto plant may be different than how you drive health changes for the staff at a bank. That’s why regardless of the company, BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee can customize wellness incentive programs to motivate long-term behavior change across a workforce’s range of health statuses and clinical conditions.

With nearly 70 percent of U.S. companies offering workplace wellness programs, employers are looking for ways to improve and sustain employee engagement in health initiatives. BlueHealth RewardsSM assists employers in implementing or structuring customized programs to encourage and reward healthy choices and behaviors.

BlueCross’ team of experts, ranging from health management consultants to behavioral health scientists, work with each employer to target specific behaviors and health conditions for improvement. Data on claims and use of health care services are integrated to create custom incentives and communications that encourage behavior change and help employers achieve the best value from their health plan. Employers can choose the incentive structure that fits their workforce and resources, from premium reductions to merchandise catalogues or other company incentives.

“The value in customizing is that employers can have programs that target and incentivize for both large picture health improvements and population specific chronic conditions,” said Kasie Plekkenpol, BlueCross’ director of health management product strategy. “With BlueHealth Rewards, we assess data and provide behavioral health insight to project employee engagement, behavior change and impact on medical spending that makes the most sense for the employer’s population. We never use a cookie cutter approach.”

BlueHealth Rewards programs can be utilized by companies at any stage of wellness programming, from those starting wellness efforts to employers with long-standing initiatives. All programs include a range of communications to remind employees of their health improvement options and rewards earned. BlueHealth Rewards is available for fully insured groups and self-funded groups with more than 151 employees.

About BlueCross®

BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee’s mission is to provide peace of mind through better health. Founded in 1945, the Chattanooga-based health care company is focused on serving more than 3 million members in Tennessee and across the country. BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee Inc. is an independent licensee of the BlueCross BlueShield Association (BCBSA). BCBSA is an association of independent BlueCross and Blue Shield Plans. For more information, visit the company’s website at

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