Why affordable provider-administered drugs for all Tennesseans must be a priority
Response to Misleading Claims by the Coalition of State Rheumatology Organizations about our Specialty Pharmacy Program
7 key facts about our specialty pharmacy changes
How we’re working to make specialty pharmaceuticals more affordable
6 Tips for Taking Your Medication (And Why It Matters)
What rising drug costs mean for Tennesseans’ budgets
Opinion: New laws, policies will help fight the opioid epidemic
Count It! Lock It! Drop It!: a public awareness campaign Q&A with Mary Danielson
Take-back a success
Confronting the opioid crisis: Q&A with Dr. Natalie Tate
Tennesseans Drop Off Record Number of Pills During Fall Take-Back Event
Helping doctors reduce antibiotic over-prescribing with virus treatment kits
Miss Tennessee – Help me attack addiction
3 ways mail-order prescriptions benefit seniors