Member benefits

  1. What to expect from Marketplace coverage in 2025

  2. Financial discussion with customers

    Our financial health: a reflection of how we’re ensuring yours

  3. How focusing on collaboration and outcomes enhances health care benefits

  4. BlueCross mobile app updates

    What you need to know about delayed member ID cards

  5. Doctor speaking with patient

    What you need to know about COVID-19 admissions if CHI Memorial leaves our networks

  6. BlueCare Tennessee Rick Moore

    Rick Moore: a dedication to serving the most vulnerable Tennesseans

  7. Two digital features making life easier for our members

  8. BlueCross members can add their insurance card to Apple Wallet

  9. BCBST online bill pay

    We’re making it more convenient for members to pay their medical bills online

  10. BlueCross Waives Primary, Behavioral Care Costs for Medicare Advantage Members

  11. BlueCross Making In-Network Telehealth Services Permanent

  12. BlueCross to Cover Full Treatment Costs for COVID-19

  13. BlueCross COVID-19 coronavirus PhysicianNow

    BlueCross Expanding Telehealth Access with In-Network Providers

  14. BlueCross Offering Telehealth Visits at No Cost

  15. BlueCross to Cover Full Testing Costs for COVID-19

  16. BlueCross specialty pharmacy

    How we’re working to make specialty pharmaceuticals more affordable

  17. Big Tech is teaming up with health care companies to make it easier for you to see your health history

  18. BlueCross better together whole person benefits

    The value of a whole-person approach to health care

  19. Chattanooga-based BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee to expand Obamacare coverage

  20. BlueCross Edith Costanza

    Mission moment: how 30 minutes of kindness made a world of difference